
Hey Friends, I'm Tamara, and I'm glad you've joined me here at

A Girl in the Middle.

I teach & encourage Christian women to find God's will & live joyfully through seasons of disappointment in life and marriage.


Monthly Archives: June 2020

Criticism & Marriage: A Silent Killer

Your husband is critical? Guess where he probably learned it from? It’s not always the case, but it very often is, that our weaknesses in relationship skills come from the very family in which we grew up. I’m not putting the blame on mothers and fathers who did their best, or who made mistakes along the way, as most of us do to some extent, but rather I’m saying that we do learn what we live, and we live that out in our own marriages. If critical words were the norm in your home,

The Danger in Growing Closer to Christ

…when your Husband is not. PODCAST version The danger of growing closer to Christ when our husband is not, or, is not -right now. This is true. Satan is in for the fight, let me tell you, and he’s not going to roll over and die when we’re in a spiritual battle for our marriage-for...

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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