
Hey Friends, I'm Tamara, and I'm glad you've joined me here at

A Girl in the Middle.

I teach & encourage Christian women to find God's will & live joyfully through seasons of disappointment in life and marriage.


Monthly Archives: January 2021

Jehovah Rapha, the God who Heals

God had just led the Israelites by way of Moses across the Red Sea, through stilled walls of ocean water, and on dry ground. In quick succession, their celebration turned to desperation. After walking for three days through the dessert they still had found no water; just as they spotted water they learn it was undrinkable. Their complaints to Moses were in no uncertain terms: we’re thirsty, what are we going to drink? Surely they’d remembered how miraculously God had just saved them.

21 Names of God, #11, El Emeth

Somethings are cut and dry. This, the God of Truth, should be one of those topics. I wish I could note these verses out of scripture and bid a kind adieu here, but we’re way too involved in the world to simply walk away without shining the light on this truth in our family of God. I can recall several times when I have sided with the world unknowingly. Times when I was ignorant of how God’s Word spoke to the ideal I had in my own heart that stood contrary to what God has to say. Ideas I allowed the world at large, at ordinary, to form as truth but where I was so far from the truth of God. With that intention, to shine a light on God as truth, because He is, I will continue here. This isn’t for

21 Names of God, #10, El Nehkumah

Friends, if I was standing before you talking to your group, or sitting beside you having a private conversation, I would implore your attention to this next thought. Our God isn’t sitting in heaven with His hands folded waiting to send Jesus back to get His own. I mean, He IS going to do just that, but in the mean time He is not sitting as a spectator to your life. He is as alive today as He has always been. Sisters, God is alive. He is in every detail of our lives. His Word is alive and well

21 Names of God, #9, Jehovah Magen

A shield for the battles in our lives. For the physical and for the battle of our minds. The evil one knows if he can infect our minds with his nasty lies-about us, about others, about life, and about God, he will steal our hope. But, when we belong to the Lord, hope is alive. Greater is HE who is in me than he who is in the world. Our hope is alive, the battle is God’s, His Shield is our help: Jehovah Magen.

21 Names of God, #8 Jehovah Tsuri

It may seem like there are better names for the God you are depending on to save you-even your very life, do you think? Rock. What is it about a rock that is indicative to saving us? What good is a rock? (This is when I should have paid better attention to when my brothers played rock-paper-scissors. I suddenly wonder, how often did the rock beat out the other two? This is a silly and mostly hypothetical interrupting thought. My friends and I call it “a squirrel.” You may know it as a rabbit trail…back to the mainland, now.)

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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