Let’s Talk about the Real Challenges!

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(Part 1, because, let’s talk about this!)

No Matter What

Because we are alive there are challenges no matter what we do with our time.

God’s Tender Grace

I’m going to address this question from a different perspective. It comes from a place of God’s tender grace and faithfulness to pursue and prune me to become more like Jesus.

It comes from shoes that have been filled equally in a career and as a homeschooling mom (18 years each side).

Challenge = Divine Opportunity

So, here it is: I’ve never met a challenge in all these years that didn’t give me the opportunity, a divine opportunity, to train my children or choose for myself to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind.

And, that’s exactly what the Lord wants from His children: to love and obey Him. Homeschooling is only an extension of godly parenting, and godly parenting is sanctifying.

Challenges are Divine Opportunity

Tamara Henion

Now, go do life taking ever opportunity to become more like Christ, and teach your children the same. With God, you will not fail.

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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