Handprints on the Wall

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Little boys. Little girls. If you have them around your house, I bet you can relate. Whether straight from the mudpie work out back or in preparation of eating dinner, they’re often sent running to the bathroom sink in quest of warm soapy water and clean hands. One of my boys would run, wash up, and come out without further adieu. But his younger brother typically has a song and dance for every moment of life. Sometimes we’re serenaded with sad opera drama, but most often it’s a billowing happy-go-lucky tune we hear as he goes about ordinary things. Washing his hands is no exception. For such an occasion, we didn’t need keen ears to hear his lyrics of wash it away. Yet, both of them have come from the bathroom only to leave dirty handprints along the wall. How is it possible to wash up yet leave handprints on the wall? What’s a mother to do?

Grace Greater Than All Our Sin

Yesterday playing through my heart was the old hymn, Grace Greater than All Our Sin, Grace, Grace, God’s Grace. You know it?

Wash it Away

Dark is the stain that we cannot hide,
what can avail to wash it away!
Look! there is flowing a crimson tide;
whiter than snow you may be today. 

Grace, grace, God’s grace

Grace, grace, God’s grace,
grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
grace, grace, God’s grace,
grace that is greater than all our sin. ~Julia Harriet Johnston

Handprint of God

Psalm 51:7 Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

When the Lord is doing the washing, the only handprint we will see left behind is His own on our heart: the handprint of God. His cleansing is complete and it’s pure. Praise the Lord for the flowing crimson tide of Jesus’ blood and the power within. Thank Him for His grace, the only grace that could trade my sin, and yours, for the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Next time we see those little handprints on our wall, let it remind us of God’s grace, of God’s pure cleansing, and of our own need of washing up. I hope we will smile instead of scream as we go to the Lord and be washed whiter than snow. The handprint of God!

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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