
Hey Friends, I'm Tamara, and I'm glad you've joined me here at

A Girl in the Middle.

I teach & encourage Christian women to find God's will & live joyfully through seasons of disappointment in life and marriage.


Monthly Archives: January 2016

Gratitude 2016- Day 11

Shhhhhh January 11, 2016 I am thankful for nights when I can hear my sons’ breathing while they’re sleeping. Shhhhhhh!  Don’t wake them. Tomorrow will come soon enough. Sweet dreams. ZZZZzzzzzzzzz

Gratitude 2016- Day 10

Big M January 10, 2016   THERE^ he is. I met him nearly 22 years ago, but I fell in love with him way before then. Mr. T and I prayed for a son for several years before the Lord gave us Big M. A long time friend dubbed him “Big M” when he was...

Clutter Gutter Part I {The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up}

Clutter Gutter {The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing } by Marie Kondo It’s fair to say  over the past 30 years of  life (starting a home, teaching/organizing classrooms , selling/moving to a new home etc), I’ve done my fair share of fleeting organizing. It’s been said I can lean...

Gratitude 2016- Day 9

White Towels January 9, 2016 I was going to say, “Not to be confused with waving the white flag,” but now that I think about it… My children aren’t babies, or toddlers, or dependent on me as they once were. A tiny bit of me hesitates to share this post because I know it’s not so easy...

Gratitude 2016- Day 8

He Seeks the Lord January 8, 2016 Lord willing, we’ll be celebrating 28 years of marriage this June.  (Just a second while I double check my math.  Wow!  Yep.) It’s fair to say we’ve driven each other crazy over the past nearly 3 decades. We both live passionately which is equally as good as it...

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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