2016 Gratitude – Day 4

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It’s Him

January 4, 2016

There are days where I shake my head a lot, sigh more than I should and hold my jaws in my hands, but not today. Today this guy knew what would be facing him the first day back to school in 2016.  To say he doesn’t like doing school work would be quite the understatement. He’s full of life. If the day comes, yes I said IF, when this sweet boy of mine doesn’t end the night with, “Goodnight, Momma. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow for another BIG DAY,” I don’t know what I’m going to do!  He lives life large. He loves hard. He plays without abandon.

Today, he faced every chore and assignment with complete resolve. That was an accomplishment maybe even bigger than actually doing it all (well and in great time). I’m so proud. And  I’m full of gratefulness for his prayers and the answers to this mornings request, “Lord, help me do this today.”

Amen, Sweet Boy!

Mommy loves you!



For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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